The Romance and History of the Ring Set

Ancient Egyptians believed that the ring finger, or the fourth finger of the left hand, contained a “vena amoris” or “vein of love” that connected directly to the heart. The blood was thought to circle around the ring finger and return to the heart and in that way recharged the ring with life. The Romans adopted this custom and wore wedding rings on their ring finger. Although their belief isn’t anatomically correct, the tradition of wearing rings on the ring finger continues to this day.

Mokume gane is a poetic choice for your wedding ring set. Each set of rings can be created from the same billet of metal.  Once the metal is made the rings are both cut and formed from the billet and then patterned so that the set is the only one like it. The rings you share are as unique as the bond you share.

We have created a large vocabulary of patterns, colors, and styles over the years and we hope you will dig into to our collection and find the set that speaks to you and your love.  Please inquire for more info here.

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